Comments on: God’s Dwelling with Us studies in the bible Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:05:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Rozalowsky Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:35:06 +0000 But at the same time I will have to think some more about John’s abiding language and how that fits into a biblical theology of God’s dwelling. They aren’t directly synonymous.

By: Andrew Rozalowsky Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:31:29 +0000 Thanks, Dave.
“Missed” is the wrong word though. “Purposely did not include” since I don’t agree with the Catholic interpretation of John 6 would be more accurate!

By: David G. Thu, 19 Jul 2012 14:30:43 +0000 You did a really great job Andy. I was so glad that I was able to see and hear you preach.
I thought it was very well done and I agree with all of it but you missed taking it one step further; that God does physically dwell with us throughout the tabernacles around the world and that Christ also dwells with us physically in us when we receive Him. “For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.” – John 6:56-57

By: Jamie S. Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:52:22 +0000 Looks like it was a great message! I was encouraged reading this recap, about how awesome it is that God dwells with us. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement!

By: Joe Tue, 10 Jul 2012 19:43:50 +0000 I wish I could have been there to hear you. Christa said she was thoroughly absorbed.
WRT the presence of God…after returning from exile, Malachi alludes to the fact that God had not filled His (second) Temple like he had with the Tabernacle in the desert (fire & smoke to lead them) nor was there an appearance like Solomon experienced. The people had become totally apathetic, “believing” that God should do something “for them” (at least some visible presence) before they would return to tithing, marital fidelity, and unblemished sacrifices.
If we put ourselves in their place…we know there is nothing in the “Holy of Holies”, not Ark nor anything to put in the Ark. But Malachi ends with a great promise from God! I would have been in great anticipation as if we were only a “week” till Christmas (Santa). But woe would have been me if I had known His presence was over 400 years away (some say 430 years, the same number of years in Egypt).
Would i have been in Malachi’s (God’s) “book of remembrance”? Would I have had a priest/pastor/preacher/SS teacher who would have encouraged me? Or would I have had pastors/teachers of today’s society who make it easy for me to offer the blemished sacrifice….
I thank God there are pastors and teachers like you who do not compromise the Gospel. Don’t let us!!
