Comments on: Porter et al.: Fundamentals of New Testament Greek studies in the bible Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:05:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Fewster Sun, 04 Nov 2012 15:14:08 +0000 Some thoughts from someone who is using it to teach undergrads right now…
1. Starting with the Aorist first is interesting and potentially useful, however it makes it difficult to understand the lexical form of a verb without teaching the Present form anyways. I have found that it isn’t until you reach the chapter with the Present that verbs finally start to click with students.

2. The workbook often expects the student to know a word that hasn’t been provided in the vocab yet. Perhaps a 1st edition oversight?

3. The Aorist stem isn’t provided (like it is in Mounce) so some students find it difficult to differentiate between Imperfect and 2 Aorist without prompting. For example, how are students supposed to know that the stem of exo is sex?

Just some things to be aware of. Otherwise I have enjoyed it and thought it quite usable.
