Comments on: Living Koine Greek Review – Part 1: My Background and Hopes studies in the bible Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:05:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jose Diaz Sun, 14 Apr 2013 14:21:19 +0000 Hello Andrew. I have been using BLC Greek materials. My background is not as strong as yours, but I took three semesters of NT Greek at the undergraduate level, and and two semesters at the Master’s Level, including Advanced Greek Grammar and Syntax at the Master’s Level, which I am currenlty taking. I have greatly benefited from these materials. I am starting to think more and more in Koine Greek and I do it just for fun and to tease friends with Greek. The same as you, I switched from Erasmian pronunciation to Randall Buth’s, currently a mixture of Buth and Modern Greek pronunciation (which the difference is only one letter, or two). Having a Master’s in Education and a Graduate Certificate in ESL and Bilingual Education, I know the importance of the Immersion method. Which I plan using once I have the opportunity to teach adults, at this point, I have tried it with children, but in reality if you want to learn a Target language, you have to be willing to learn as a child. I hope you will find it helpful and I look forward to your comments and reactions.

By: hebrewdaylight Wed, 10 Apr 2013 12:15:32 +0000 I’m excited to read more as you go along. I don’t think there are any disadvantages to acquiring a language using methodologies that aim to approach the way native speakers acquire their own languages. Language analysis and acquisition, as you know, are not the same. The way I see it, ‘living language’ methods should be utilized in programs to give students direct access to and experience in the language for the first few semesters, and then, after a degree of fluency (ideally a high degree), they will be better equipped to engage in full and deeper analysis.
