Comments on: Living Koine Greek Review – Part 2: Picture Lessons studies in the bible Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:05:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Rozalowsky Thu, 11 Jul 2013 22:14:50 +0000 Ben, thanks for your comment. Because I wasn’t clear about what I meant I provided an update in the main post and will address the issue in a later post.

By: hebrewdaylight Thu, 11 Jul 2013 20:39:10 +0000 I enjoyed reading your review and agree with a lot of your points on the benefits of this methodology. I have do differ, however, on your take on abstract concepts. You say language for these cannot be acquired communicatively. Question for consideration: how did you acquire the language for abstract concepts in your native tongue (presumably English)? Through experiences in English with other speakers of English, or through English word lists with Chinese glosses? Which do you see as more beneficial to a native Chinese-speaker wanting to be fluent in English, and why?

By: Adam Pohlman Thu, 11 Jul 2013 19:35:16 +0000 I’m very interested in your journey through these materials. I am following along with the program at the same time. I’ve recently begun part 2 and do not find it to be as intuitive. It is a totally different approach. Part 1 has pictures synced with audio that makes it really easy to learn. Part 2, I think, is better used interactively with others. There aren’t pictures and it is meant to be more dialogue based. As a self-learner, this makes it difficult for me as I must imagine the conversation not actually engage in them.

I’d love to hear how you feel about part 2.

I agree with your analysis so far. It is so much easier to learn vocab of concrete objects and actions with the audio connected to the image, but I’m not sure how I will learn the more abstract concepts; much of which the New Testament consists. I agree that the traditional method needs to be a supplement because (maybe it’s just the way my engineering mind works) I have too many questions about how and why a language is structured to simply learn a sentence and move on to the next one.

Thanks again for your review. Looking forward to the next one.
