I’m Andrew Rozalowsky and I study, write on, teach and preach the Bible. I’m a Biblical Studies student at McMaster Divinity College.
My primary research interests are New Testament studies, Greek Language and Linguistics, Gospels, Johannine Literature, Christian Origins, Early Christianity, Textual Criticism, Hermeneutics, Translation Theory, and the application of these areas of research to the Church.
My earlier training was in philosophy and I loved to study apologetics and practice it on the university campus. In that vein I am associate editor with Hope’s Reason: A Journal of Apologetics.
I have been fascinated with languages for years and have spent time (to varying degrees) studying Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Russian, Ukrainian, German, French, and Swahili. Apart from these studies I enjoy photography and film and more important than the studies: my family.
I am also happy to share the work God has done in my life through cancer. James, one writer found in the New Testament, talked about counting your trials as pure joy. I have had the privilege of experiencing that joy while walking through Acute Myeloid Leukemia, for which I am currently in remission. You can read a bit of that story on this blog or listen to a sermon I preached on it that can be found on the audio page.
Since becoming a Christian I have had an insatiable love for the Bible, both to know it better myself as the locus for getting to know God and to make it known to others with the goal of seeing the same transformation in their lives.
The Bible is one of God’s greatest gifts to us because it points us to him. I believe it is therefore worthy of our time and effort to read it and seek understanding in it.
I hope that through this website I can share with you the treasures of God’s word.