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Learning a New Language (Beginning German)

Nine days ago I began studying German. As I engage in Johannine scholarship I have become very aware of the breadth of study that has taken place in German (and to a lesser extent in French, perhaps). Since my thesis centres around John’s Gospel, I think it worthwhile to be able to engage with the German and French works alongside the English language works on John. This has provided the immediate push to study German but I’ve desired to do so for some time.

I’ve studied a lot of languages to varying degrees: 3 “dead” ones (Classical Latin, Hellenistic Greek, Classical Hebrew) and around 6 living ones (Spanish, French, Ukrainian, Russian, Swahili, and now I’ve started German). Now, keep in mind I said “to varying degrees”! That’s an important qualifier. My Greek is excellent and my Hebrew is slowly coming along but I remember very little Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian and I’m a poor communicator in French and Russian. Thankfully I can use some reading knowledge of Russian for work on verbal aspect and reading French will also be important for my academic work.

I’ve learned a thing or two as I’ve been studying languages of various sorts for the last 9 or so years. And I’m trying to put that to work in my approach to German this time. I want to succeed. For starters, it should come as no surprise that my fastest language learning came from being around people that spoke the language. So, Swahili came along at a fast rate in the six weeks I spent in Tanzania and Russian, which I had been studying for a bit before, was moving quickly while trying to interact with Russian speaking Ukrainians over 10 days.

But, it’s a given that I’m not, at this time, going to be in a properly immersive environment for German. And, my end goal is first and foremost to be able to read academic literature in German anyway.

At the same time, I have not decided to start German with a reading approach. I have done that with other languages and a lot of my Russian study was reading-based. I was rather ill-prepared to converse beyond a basic ability in Russian when I arrived in Ukraine. And I’ve decided that since I’m going to study German, I would like to benefit from learning from real-life conversations, movies, radio, etc. and be able to hold a conversation.

So, this time I’m starting with the oral component. I’m speaking and listening. And since the oral component is the primary component of language (reading isn’t), I’m going to start this way and add reading after a bit of time. I think it is easier to add reading to a foundation of oral understanding than to move from reading to oral comprehension.

I’m hoping this will encourage a few things:

1) My pronunciation will get off on the right foot and I’ll work on sounding somewhat native.

2) Vocabulary acquisition should move at a faster pace as I listen to native speakers.

3) I should be able to start making sense of native German conversations which will then help me grow.

4) Once I do begin studying grammar formally and reading text, I should have laid a good foundation with a good feel for the language.

I’ve decided to begin with Pimsleur. I was impressed four years ago when I borrowed the German Quick and Simple audio package (8 lessons) from my library and I felt I learned those 8 lessons very well. For whatever reason I didn’t buy the others and continue it.

I’ve especially decided not to go with Rosetta Stone. I went through the first 3 levels in Russian a few years ago, and while it helped my pronunciation greatly, I didn’t come away knowing nearly as much as I thought I should have given the price of the package and time I spent on them.

I’ve also looked at a whole host of other programs and I may move to them after Pimsleur but Pimsleur seemed the best for me to start with since I don’t have a lot of time each day for another language (I’m already engaged in lots of Greek and Hebrew work and want to further develop my French) and it offers a strictly oral component that is graduated for 100 levels (3 phases with 30 units each + 1 phase with 10 units). I’ve looked at a number of critiques of Pimsleur. I’m willing to push through the valid critiques and give it my own go.

So far so good. I feel I’ve made incredible progress in these nine days and I’m going to update again as I go. Maybe things will change. But maybe, just maybe I’ll progress faster than I have with any other language.

How have you been successful at learning another language?

Catching Up

I want to blog, believe me, I do! At any rate, my Bible study group on John has now reached where I left off with my text studies earlier this year (the Temple text in John 2) so I plan to continue those blog posts alongside my teaching/leading in this group. The session audio is up for the first four studies here, with the fifth to come tonight or tomorrow.

I’m also going to introduce some language study tomorrow. More on that to come then.

A Hermeneutic of Faith (Or, Be a ‘Doer’ of the Word)

I shared about approaching the Bible with a hermeneutic of humility and mentioned one other aspect that should be a part of our approaching the Bible: a hermeneutic of faith.

Really, what I want to say is summed up quite well by Augustine:

So anyone who thinks that he [sic] has understood the divine scriptures or any part of them, but cannot by his understanding build up this double love of God and neighbour, has not yet succeeded in understanding them.

Since I’m currently in the context of teaching John, it is especially clear from John’s purpose statement in 20:30-31 what he desires for his readers:

These things are written that you may believe that the Messiah, the Son of God, is Jesus, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

It would be a shame (to put it mildly) to spend all sorts of time discussing the text of John’s Gospel and the Bible as a whole, but never trust the One that it points to. So, approaching the Bible requires trust in God, believing in who he claims to be and following what he has called us to. We must be ‘doers’ of the Word, as Jesus’s half-brother, James, once quipped.

A Hermeneutic of Humility (Or, Oh, You Puny Creature!)

I mentioned a few days ago that we had our first study on John last week. The second one will follow this Wednesday evening as we get into the Prologue. I spoke on how to go about interpreting John’s Gospel and I closed with two items: a hermeneutic of humility and a hermeneutic of faith. Here’s what I mean by the first.

None of us can claim omniscience, that is, to be all knowing. There is one being in all the universe that can lay claim to that trait, and that’s God. Necessarily, we as finite human beings are limited in our knowledge.

And think about when we come to trying to understand the all-knowing, all-powerful creator god.

Start by thinking about the thoughts in your mind right now.

God knows them all.

Now think about how you’ve been having (I assume!) consistent thoughts all day long on a whole range of items.

God knows them all.

Now, are you beside someone else? Or were you at some point today? Think about how that person, one other person, has been having their own thought-life all day long as well.

God knows all their thoughts too.

Now consider that that happened today, all day, with six billion people.

God knows all those thoughts too.

Now multiply that by each person’s lifetime of thoughts and those that have gone before us for thousands upon thousands of years (or longer!).

God knows them all.

Phew… that’s a lot of thoughts. And that’s just thoughts, to say nothing of events and all else. And God knows them all, can recite them all, call them all to mind (or maybe they’re just there all the time, I don’t know!). That’s a BIG God.

And now, come back to just you. Think about how small your thoughts are compared to what God must know. And you are trying to understand him?

Well, I think that calls for a dose of good-ol’ humility, wouldn’t you say?

And appropriately, in Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV), God says:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Implication? Let’s be humble about our understanding of God. Let’s be willing to be wrong. Let’s be willing to listen to each other and respect each other. Let’s be willing to come to God’s Word humbly.

Jesus and His Wife

Oh, the hoopla surrounding the newly discovered Coptic papyrus fragment is quite amusing. My professor offers his sober thoughts here on the situation and what it would prove even if authentic. His view corresponds with my own: even if it is an authentic 4th c. Coptic manuscript (highly suspect), all it tells us is that someone a few centuries after Jesus wrote that Jesus had a wife. So what?