Sympathizing with Rachel Held Evans
Well, a week or so has passed since Rachel Held Evans’s book A Year of Biblical Womanhood was released and I think things have calmed down just a bit. I have begun reading it and I may just be crazy enough to write a review when I’m done. I can’t make it top priority due to other commitments right now but here’s why I’m reading it.
Chalk it up to my personality, perhaps, but when a whole bunch of people respond to an idea or book with vitriolic attacks, it makes me want to be sympathetic toward the minority, even if the majority holds a position that I would generally agree with. I’ve seen lots of reviews of Evans’s book and even foolishly read the comments sections on various websites (ugh, comments sections…) and what those reviews and comments make me want to do is sympathetically read Evans. I figure that’s the opposite of the intended of effect of those who respond so strongly. It also appears to me that some of the harshest attacks on Evans and her book have come from those who haven’t read the book.
Speaking as a Reformed Baptist (or so I think), I find that we are so afraid of different interpretations and approaches to Scripture that our knee-jerk reactions often confuse contending for the faith with being contentious about the faith (to quote one of my favourite scholars, Don Carson), even with those who profess Jesus as Lord. But I’m much more appreciative of calm reasoned response that doesn’t exude fear. Maybe Evans has it wrong. But maybe she has a voice that needs to be heard and engaged with. What are we so afraid of? Can’t we let infallible God be infallible God and fallible humans be fallible humans (us included)?
So, I might just be crazy enough to get myself involved in this discussion and review the book (well, I guess I actually just entered the discussion with this post). I pray that any response I make would treat Evans as a person, engage her ideas thoughtfully, and be received by others whom I normally associate with in the same way.
Not sure if you’ve seen this one but it was my favourite review of the book yet and if you look at the comments section Rachel seemed to like it too :)
Sorry I noticed this on my hubby’s facebook :)
Thanks for sharing that, Karen. Say hi to Dave for me.